Kids Yoga Gaer For Yoga At Home | Yoga Equipment For Beginner

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Kids Yoga Gaer For Yoga At Home | Yoga Equipment For Beginner

Parents, are you looking for yoga equipment for the kids that helps with yoga? In this post, we will discuss yoga equipment for kids. First, I want to offer my childhood experience teaching novice figure skating.

Props are a great way to introduce kids to yoga through play and visual appeal. Many kids come to our courses weary, overstimulated, bored, not wanting to be there (their parents’ decision), or excited to express their creativity and imagination.

Bean bags may help kids concentrate and balance, yoga dots can provide space, and a calming sound can bring the class back to the communal circle. The sky’s the limit for entertaining props, but this list should inspire you!

Considerations for teaching kids yoga props

  • Before using props, make sure your class has a solid foundation (e.g., you know all the kids’ names, you have a consistent start-of-class routine, and everyone understands the rules).
  • Select props you enjoy, and kids will follow your excitement. Getting enthused and lighthearted about the props will certainly earn you more.
  • Start with one or two props before adding more.
  • Put away the prop if it didn’t work the first time and try again. Avoid throwing it away.
  • Explain how you’ll utilize the props before giving them out. You may invite a responsible volunteer to help distribute props to the class.
  • Before buying expensive props, consider utilizing household items in your lesson.
  • Get to know the kids’ needs and interests, and consider which objects will work best.
  • Be receptive to student ideas as you plan how to use the props in class.
  • Using your beginner’s thinking will let them own the lesson, and you may be surprised by their ideas.
  • Praise pupils who use props properly and wait their time.
  • Bring sensory objects for kids to hear, see, touch, and smell.

Best Kids Yoga Props for Focus and Engagement

Here are some entertaining kids yoga props to keep children engaged and prevent class disruptions:

1. Yoga dots

Try Yoga Dots if your students are having trouble traversing the yoga mats! A yoga instructor stated her class had “baby bears rolling around in the mats” and was hard to get the kids to focus on the group plan. A handful of yoga dots is simpler to transport than yoga mats. Although they take up less room, yoga dots let kids build their own “yoga space.” In addition to creating structure, yoga dots may be used to create amusing yoga games. Although yoga mats are best, yoga dots are a terrific alternative.

2. Bubblers

Some students may opt to sit quietly in a corner while the class follows the yoga plan. Children may be sick, fatigued, or overstimulated. A tranquil nook with fun toys like bubbles and drawing mandalas is ideal. Bubblers help kids understand that the mind (bubbles) is full of thoughts, but if we pause, relax, and take a few deep breaths, we can calm our thoughts. Instead of bubblers, try “mind jars” or snow globes.

3. Scarves

Scarves are multifunctional and brighten yoga classes. Set expectations and explain the purpose of the scarves before displaying them. Use kid-friendly terminology like “you get what you get, and you don’t get upset” while choosing scarves. Children may wave scarves to provide movement and concentrate on one spot while practicing the postures. Use scarves to create yoga games with kids to spark their imaginations.

4. Chime

If the class becomes sidetracked, a chime or bell may bring the kids back to the communal circle. Chime rituals may start or end classes. Touching the bell and listening to it fade is a simple mindfulness practice. A youngster might be the “chimer” to encourage community building.

5. Hoberman Sphere

A Hoberman Sphere mimics the expanding and deflating of children’s lungs, making deep yogic breathing easy to teach. A visual breath depiction helps kids inhale and exhale fully. Hoberman spheres may be circulated in the group or played independently in a peaceful corner.

6. Jenga

Make yoga position games more fun and focused with Jenga-style activities. Draw or scribble on a Jenga Classic Game. Try to number Jenga by sticking a sticky note with a number on a yoga card. After pulling that number, find it on a yoga posture card and perform it. Pairs of kids may play the game in the tranquil nook. If you want a group game, lay a number block and yoga posture card throughout the room, or give each kid one.

7. Bean Bags

Another fantastic attention tool for kids is bean bags. Practice deep belly breathing using bean bags on their tummies while lying on their backs. Bean bags may be placed on their heads, hands, or shoulders during balancing exercises. Having a focus may help distracted or worried kids get back on track.

Fun Kids Yoga Props

  • Blowing feathers is a simple breathwork exercise.
  • Pom-poms may be used for toe-ga or breath practice.
  • Blow pom-poms or other light things through a straw to practice breath training.
  • Parachutes establish communities if they have room.
  • Puppets may entertain kids while expressing class expectations or plans.
  • Egg shakers, tambourines, and mini-drums are great for auditory learners.
  • Battery-operated color-changing tea lights are a nice, safe way to illuminate your class. Place the light in the circle and urge students to breathe deeply and stare at it mindfully.


Research on yoga and mindfulness often shows positive effects on health, which supports its use in health management. Although several studies support yoga as a complementary therapy or treatment for a variety of illnesses, some have drawbacks. In this post, we also discussed yoga poses for kids. We looked at different yoga equipment. If you ever feel confused or need guidance, reach out to us through our contact form. I wish you a fulfilling and perfect yoga experience ahead!

Categories: Yoga Gear


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