How To Clean a Lululemon Yoga Mat? Yoga Beginner For Equipment

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How To Clean a Lululemon Yoga Mat? Yoga Equipment

Yoga beginner, are you looking for how to clean a Lululemon yoga mat? You don’t know how to clean a mat as a yoga beginner. The actual time spent working on it is roughly two minutes, even if you have to go out and get or order the materials beforehand. If your yoga mat seems to need a little cleaning, this is a fantastic small activity to work on once a week.

Making sure you’re finished with your practice is the first thing you should do, since it will take some time for it to dry after cleaning. You may choose to unroll your Lululemon yoga mat and set it on the floor where you typically practice, or you can lay it on a towel before cleaning it. When I see a filthy yoga mat (yoga equipment), one thing that always sticks out to me is how much it needs to be cleaned on both sides.

Updating A Lululemon Yoga Mat (Yoga Equipment for Beginners)

Using a spray bottle filled with a solution made of one part vinegar and four parts water is the most effective method to clean a Lululemon yoga mat. A few drops of your preferred essential oil may be used to aid with odor and possibly against germs. After using the solution, clean the mat with a cloth and allow it to air dry.

Cleaning Techniques for a Luulelemon Yoga Mat

Although cleaning a Lululemon yoga mat is simple, there are a few common errors that may shorten the mat’s lifespan, such as drying it in the sun, washing it too hard, or using harsh chemicals. If you want your Lululemon yoga mat to be spotless every time.

Try Cleaning with these Recommended Techniques

Method 1: Tea tree essential oils

What You’ll Need

A clean towel, a little spray bottle, water, vinegar, and tea tree oil.

  • Using tea tree oil in the essential oils cleaning procedure helps maintain your yoga mat, which smells fantastic and is in excellent condition.
  • The longer the mat lasts, the more likely it is that you will employ natural cleansers.
  • I prepare this spray ahead of time and apply it as needed after a yoga lesson.
  • Mix three parts water, one part vinegar, and a few drops of essential oil to create a solution in a spray bottle.
  • If you want a different scent, you may add lavender or tea tree oil.
  • Apply the mat with the spray, allow it to rest for a maximum of five minutes, and then use a moist towel to wipe it clean.
  • Before rolling up your yoga mat, let it air dry completely; Keep it out of the sun during this time to prevent the sun from deteriorating the mat’s material.
  • It’s important to note that a lot of individuals just mist the yoga mat with this essential oil combination without wiping it off.
  • They could work, but it’s helpful to at least use the towel to clean your yoga mat if it’s filthy.
  • I usually feel better about using the mat the following time after giving it a short wipe, but you won’t need to scrape since the cleaning solution works for you.

Be Cautious

The use of tea tree oil worries some pet owners. The vinegar and water are what assist in cleaning the yoga mat, so don’t worry too much about what essential oil you use in this cleaning solution. You are quite welcome to use lavender in its place. Maintaining the cleanliness of your yoga mat is crucial to the safety of your dogs.

Method 2: Lemon juice and soda are baked

You’ll Need

Water, lemon, baking soda, and a spray bottle.

  • I like using baking soda as a cleaning solution on a Lululemon reversible mat since it is a natural deodorizer. The baking soda and lemon juice solution has just enough roughness to be a go-to method for cleaning Lululemon yoga mats; as I said, I don’t mind bringing my mat back into my home to use after it’s been on the floor in other locations.
  • Mix one part baking soda, three parts water, and a few drops of lemon juice to make a cleaning solution, then transfer it into a spray bottle.
  • Before sprinkling the solution over the mat, shake the bottle.
  • Working from one side of the mat to the other, evenly apply the cleaning solution.
  • Give the lemon juice and baking soda ten minutes or so to settle.
  • Using a moist towel, clean.
  • Before rolling the yoga mat back up to bring it to the yoga class, let it dry fully.
  • I’m often asked how much of the water and baking soda solution is required to spray the mat. Certainly, I don’t understand why the Lululemon mat has to be soaked for this kind of regular or weekly cleaning. It is important to completely cover the surface to ensure that any microorganisms responsible for the stench are eliminated.

Technique 3: Gentle Dish Soap

You will Need

A bathtub, water, Dawn dish soap, and a cleaning cloth are required.

  • I do thorough cleaning using the dish soap procedure. This mild dish soap technique will be better suited as a once-a-monthly thorough cleaning option if you discover that my other Lululemon yoga mat cleaner recommendations work well for light cleaning after yoga practice.
  • To make a soapy solution to use on your yoga mat, take a basin or container and combine dish soap and warm water.
  • Since this cleaning procedure will make the yoga mat wetter than others, place it in the shower or bathtub.
  • I don’t put the mat in the water. Instead, I use my dish soap and water solution to thoroughly clean the whole mat with a soft microfiber cloth.
  • To speed up the drying process, I will wipe the mat with a clean, dry towel before letting it air dry entirely.
  • Before rolling the yoga mat up, place it in a well-ventilated location to allow it to air dry.
  • This approach using mild dish soap may make you feel better about getting your yoga mat ready for your next class, especially if you have a sweaty yoga practice.
  • Try to limit your cleaning to the exterior surfaces since the deeper you soak the mat, the longer it will take to dry.

Method 4: Wipes for Cleaning Yoga Mats

What You’ll require

Clean, organized yoga mat wipes

  • The Tidy Mat Cleaning Wipes are a moderate wipe with an added lavender scent to make it smell better. I will warn you now that your yoga mat may degrade more quickly than you would want if you often use commercial-type wipes on it.
  • Certain Lululemon locations suggest using dish soap and water or just a natural yoga mat spritz.
  • The Orderly Mat Using cleaning wipes simplifies the procedure; just take out a wipe and use it until your yoga mat is clean.
  • For anyone with dogs or cats who are allergic to tea tree oil, the lavender in the mixture is said to be a preferable option.
  • Once again, if you own a high-quality yoga mat such as a Lululemon, simply use common sense while cleaning it and avoid using anything except natural materials.

Other Descriptions & Advice

Upon researching how to clean a yoga mat regularly, I discovered some excellent advice that I wanted to impart to you. One of the most crucial things to keep in mind in this situation, in my opinion, is that yoga mat cleaning should be easy and fast since it should be done after each practice.

The Value of Yoga Mat Cleaning

Make sure your yoga mat is clean for two key reasons:

  • The first step is to eliminate any germs and smells that could still be present in your mat.
  • To do the yoga postures you want to perform, the second thing to do is make sure your mat is clean, pliable, and somewhat sticky.
  • Everyone has experienced the sensation when the mat becomes a little slick and less useful than before. A thorough cleaning ought to be beneficial.
  • Furthermore, I’ve discovered that maintaining my health is simpler when I regularly clean any of my workout gear. Because you will be placing your hands and face near the yoga mat many times throughout the practice, it is crucial to keep the mat fresh.

Particular Lululemon Yoga Mat Features That Affect Cleaning

  1. The bottom of the Lululemon yoga mats is coated in natural rubber that has received FSC certification, while the top is coated with sticky polyurethane. The top layer’s purpose is to absorb moisture, which will affect how you use and clean this mat.
  2. Additionally, an antibacterial ingredient consisting of silver nanoparticles is sprayed on the Lululemon yoga mats to help combat germs, stop mold and mildew, and naturally repel smells. When the mat begins to smell, however, baking soda is always a good option.
  3. You want to make sure that you are not fully sinking a washable yoga mat that absorbs water. It’s not necessary to soak this, but you should damp it and wipe it down to remove body oils and perspiration from the mat.
  4. A yoga mat with a natural rubber foundation that is FSC-certified may not last as long if it is left outside to dry after being wet. It will ultimately break down, but for now, you will just notice that it is fading. Just choose wisely where to let your yoga mat dry to save yourself the expense of purchasing a new one.

How Frequently Should a Lululemon Yoga Mat Be Cleaned?

Wash your Lululemon yoga mat, after every use. Since they are gentle and won’t damage the yoga mat, using baking soda or essential oil cleaning solution is the ideal option for frequent usage. You may use a spray that many yoga studios provide for your mat, however, I suggest you at least inquire about the contents of the yoga mat spray. Make your own and bring it if the ingredients don’t appeal to you. Alternatively, use these Tidy yoga mat cleaning wipes.

The Best Ways to Extend a Lululemon Yoga Mat’s Lifespan

  • These are my best recommendations for maintaining a clean yoga mat that you may use for many years.
  • To extend the life of your yoga mat, simply give it a superficial cleaning; avoid immersing it in water or washing it.
  • Even for a thorough clean, you will only need to give it a little scrape with a cleaning cloth.
  • To preserve your home’s surfaces while you clean, you may wish to place a towel below.
  • Try applying a paste made of baking soda and water directly to the stain for stubborn stains.
  • After washing, lululemon mats should always be allowed to air dry entirely rather than being dried in the sun.
  • It is important to ensure that a yoga mat is entirely dry before rolling it up, since storing a damp mat may lead to mold growth or odor retention.
  • Typically, lululemon mats need around one hour to dry completely.


When you are doing yoga regularly and using the yoga equipment regularly, especially the yoga mat, you need to clean your yoga mat and all other yoga equipment. It is important to use a yoga mat regularly to wash it out; maintaining the quality of the mat is also important by using the authentic method. So clean the yoga mat by using the right method. For any questions or confusion, you can contact us.

Categories: Yoga Gear


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