14 Fun 2 Person Yoga Poses To Try With Your Friends

Published by Airam on

14 Fun 2 Person Yoga Poses To Try With Your Friends

Try these yoga poses for couples if you want to add some flavor to your practice. A potent method for progressing through yoga poses is to partner with a partner. You’ll also have fun, increase trust, and build your emotional bond with your spouse! Some of you think, “Partner yoga sounds great, but I don’t have a partner.” I’m also not sure whether this is appropriate for a second date.

It should come as no surprise that yoga has remained at the forefront of the wellness sector and is growing. Numerous physical and psychological advantages exist, including enhanced flexibility, less tension and anxiety, and improved strength and balance. You may begin practicing partner yoga at any point in your yoga journey, regardless of your ability level; it just serves to magnify those advantages.

How to Get Ready for Partner Yoga Pose

Yoga for two will push you to new limits and help you improve your balance and stretching techniques. Yoga positions may be enjoyable and fulfilling when done with a partner, whether that be your spouse, your children, your yoga teacher, or your closest friend. You may even use modifications to try out group yoga positions. Communication and trust are essential while doing partner yoga with anyone.

Practicing yoga postures with loved ones is a wonderful way to strengthen bonds, foster cooperation, and establish trust. Without a doubt, you’ll deepen your relationship and laugh a lot together. No matter your ability or degree of experience, everyone is welcome, and there’s always an opportunity to improve. Begin with a few simple beginning yoga positions for two, and always remember to stretch first and concentrate on taking deep breaths!

Yoga Poses

1. Meditation in Chairs

Take a minute to establish a connection with your partner before attempting any of these yoga positions for two. Locate a back-to-back seat that is cozy. Take a breath and stretch your back. Breathe out, then ground yourself while pressing your sitting bones into the mat underneath you.

Begin to mimic your breathing. Try the reverse after a short period. Inhale as your companion exhales, and vice versa. Until you both feel at ease, rooted and in the moment, keep doing this mindful breathing exercise. During this moment, you may also email your partner a positive affirmation and establish a goal for your practice.

2. The ideal yoga posture for two individuals is the seated twist

This sitting twist is one of my favorite simple yoga positions for two people. This is a wise way to begin a couple’s yoga practice. Place yourselves back-to-back and cross-legged. Breathe in to stretch and heighten your spine. Take a breath out and start to twist. Put your left knee under your right hand. Reach over to your partner’s right knee with your left hand. With every breath out, slowly twist further while holding your partner’s knee. Inhale and return to the center.

3. Backbend + Forward Fold While Seated

Similarly, this two-person yoga practice starts with a cross-legged, back-to-back position. Now extend your arms upwards and clasp your partner’s hand. As you release your breath, start to bend forward and slowly draw your partner into a backbend. You may gently pull on your partner’s hands to extend the stretch into your forearms and shoulders. Your partner’s head will drop onto your upper back. Breathe your way further into the postures, but just as far as it feels comfortable for both of you. Flip.

4. Forward Folded Sitting + Fish Pose

Keep your companion at your back as you stretch your legs out in front of you. Though it seems identical to the last position, the goal of this one is to open up the hamstrings and chest.

As your companion reclines into a variant of fish stance, lean forward. With the palms pointing up towards the sky, I advise putting your hands down and resting. Your upper back will support your partner’s head and body as they open through the heart center. Flip.

5. Forward Fold with Child in Child’s Pose + Fish Pose

Kneel on your mat with your toes together and your knees slightly apart to enter the child’s pose. Take a breath to extend your back. Once your chest is resting on your thighs or the ground, let your breath and move your hands forward. Now, your spouse lays back on your upper body while sitting on your sacrum with their back to you.

They can reach up with their arms. They can also extend their legs if there is no lower back discomfort. You may want to hold this yoga posture for two individuals for a long time since it is quite restorative! I advise taking between eight and ten breaths if that is comfortable for both of you. Flip.

6. Boat Position

I understand that boat posture may be challenging, and the majority of my pupils detest it. But a solid core stabilizes your entire body. Let’s give it a go; abdominal exercise is usually more enjoyable with a friend! Bring your toes together while facing your spouse. Now take hold of your companion’s arms. As you both raise your legs, maintain a long spine. As required, scooch in front or back.

To make the shins parallel to the mat, raise them. Alternately, for a more difficult option, extend your legs into a full boat stance. Aim to keep your back straight, and remember to smile as well.

7. Sitting Position

One of the many versions of the two-person yoga position chair pose is available. I’ll now offer a few of my favorites.

  • Face-to-Face Standing
  • Cling to your partner’s forearms or hands.
  • Keep your knees stacked over your ankles and sink back into your heels.
  • Strive to bring your shoulders and knees into alignment and your thighs parallel to the mat.

Partner chair pose: Back-to-back standing

  • Take a back-to-back stance and join arms with your companion.
  • Sink into a chair stance as soon as you breathe.
  • To ensure that you both properly adopt the position, walk your feet out as required. Try lowering yourself to the ground and then getting back up to see if anybody gets knee discomfort.
  • Keep your arms extended for an incredible challenge.

8. Downward Dog Double

For good reason, a list of yoga positions for two individuals wouldn’t be complete without the traditional double downward dog. You will extend your hammies and lengthen your spine more than you could on your own. Begin in the downward dog position. Spread your fingers wide and squeeze forcefully through the knuckles and pads, raising the tailbone towards the heavens. To maintain a long spine, bend your knees as necessary.

In a downward dog pose, your partner also places their feet on your lower sacrum. Have your spouse gently massage your lower back by bending one leg, and then the other. They might put pressure on your lower back by using their feet to make more room for it. Or, for a delicious hamstring stretch, have them move your hip bones in the direction of your knees. Flip.

9. Partner Wheel Yoga Pose with Supported Wheels

I like this position since it’s heart-opening and forceful at the same time! Link arms and stand back-to-back with your companion. Bend forward and push your hips back at the same time. As you move, your partner will follow suit, releasing completely on your back until their feet lift off the floor. If it’s comfortable, swing from side to side while releasing your arms. As they let their torso melt into yours, your spouse will breathe through their whole front body. Flip.

10. Partner Gateway Yoga Position

This is a pair yoga stance when you face away from each other. Proceed into Warrior II now; if your partner advances with their right foot, follow suit. Avoiding the knee, slide your back hand down your leg and land on your partner’s rear leg.

Sweep your front hand above simultaneously. Hold on. Take a breath via your partner’s upper hand and side body. As you go further into the backbend, use each other’s grips to correct the feet. On the opposite side, do this yoga stance for two individuals.

11. Shoulder Openers in a Standing Position

Now take a direct stand. Touch your partner’s shoulders with your hands. Walk your feet backward while maintaining a straight arm posture and a long spine. Continue until your upper body is in line with the floor. Release any tightness in the chest and maintain space through the back shoulders.

What is the feeling on this?

To add some excitement to your Warrior III play, raise one leg till it is parallel to the floor. Alternatively, consider Half Moon. Change positions.

Pro Tip: Who says your yoga partner has to be a human? To get the same advantages of opening your shoulders, use the back of a chair. If you slouch at your desk all day, it feels fantastic!

12. Elevated Standing Backbend

Turn to face your partner and seize their hands, wrists, or forearms. Breathe deeply, raise your torso, and firmly plant all four-foot corners into the earth. Put your core to use. Drop into a backbend gently, maintaining room in the lower back. If there isn’t any neck discomfort, you may either release the head or maintain a neutral neck posture.

With every breath, extend; with every exhale, go deeper into the backbend. Use your partner for balance. If you see that the shoulders are rising towards the ears, lower them.

13. Helped Boat + Camel

For many yoga practitioners, the camel pose may be challenging. Without giving way in the lower back, we wish to enlarge through the chest. Which is my best tip for doing camel position safely? Yes, via yoga for people. Place your feet behind you and sit up on your knees. Involve the center. As you release your breath, gently press your thighs into the wall in front of you. Lean back and start opening your heart.

Your buddy will strike the boat posture behind you. Somewhere between your shoulder blades and the sacrum is where their feet meet your back. Hold onto your heels or a yoga block as your spouse supports your lower back. Ask your companion to hold your arms if this becomes too much for you. Take a few breaths, or as long as thirty seconds, if you feel comfortable, to hold this heart-opening pose. Flip.

14. Forward Bend with Wide Legs

Return to a sitting posture for this two-person yoga practice. Turn to face each other and spread your legs apart. Point your toes and knees towards the ceiling. You may lay your partner’s feet on your ankles or the other way around. Join hands.

Start to rock back and forth while you work with your breath. A partner bends forward as the other leans backward. Proceed deliberately and at a leisurely pace. After taking a few breaths while still in the front fold, rock back. Observe if you begin to recede farther into the fold each time.


Develop a relationship and your yoga practice at the same time. Make connections and enjoy yourself.
Friendship yoga postures emphasize cooperation over rivalry. Even if you’re new to yoga, you may still benefit from the strength, flexibility, and connection of partner postures. Even the more difficult BFF 2-person yoga positions include variants that are suitable for beginners.

While practicing yoga with a partner may be enjoyable, it’s advisable to get familiar with each posture on your own first. If you ever feel confused or need guidance, reach out to us through our contact form. I wish you a fulfilling and perfect yoga experience ahead!

Categories: Yoga Poses


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